Based on ABC's hugely popular 1993-2000 sitcom, this new comedy, set in New York City, will tell the wonderfully funny, heartfelt stories that "Boy Meets World" is renowned for – only this time from a tween girl's perspective – as the curious and bright 7th grader Riley Matthews and her quick-witted friend Maya Fox embark on an unforgettable middle school experience. But their plans for a carefree year will be adjusted slightly under the watchful eyes of Riley's parents – dad Cory, who's also a faculty member (and their new History teacher), and mom Topanga, who owns a trendy afterschool hangout that specializes in pudding.
Date | Episode |
10/17/2014 | Girl Meets Flaws A classmate teases Farkle for being different and not fitting in with the crowd. Hurt and confused, he stops going to class until Riley, Maya and Lucas rally him to show their classmates how to respect each other's uniqueness and show compassion to those who need it, no matter who they are. |
10/10/2014 | Girl Meets the Forgotten When the kids are assigned a special lesson on appreciation, Riley and Maya are forced to work in the school cafeteria while Lucas and Farkle are assigned janitorial duty. |
10/2/2014 | Girl Meets World: of Terror The kids face a trilogy of terror when Riley has a sleepover at Maya's with her Gammy Hart and pet ferret. Auggie confronts the monster under his bed, and Farkle tackles his most terrifying fear yet - playing softball. |
9/26/2014 | Girl Meets Crazy Hat Cory divides his class into two fake companies for a lesson, one driven by profits and the other by making people happy. Meanwhile, Riley and Maya encounter a lady in the subway who is quite different than they first perceive her to be. |
9/19/2014 | Girl Meets 1961 Cory gives the class a living-history assignment that takes the four friends back to New York City in 1961. |
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