The series chronicles the personal life (and the wild lifestyle) of Rebecca Wright, a tough-as-nails judge serving on the Los Angeles County Circuit Court, whose time off the bench is spent partying and displaying a reckless behavior. Her reputation is about to be tamed—and judged—by Robby Shoemaker, a eight-year-old boy whose parents Rebecca put behind bars. He might be the one that can turn Rebecca's life around.
Date | Episode |
10/30/2014 | Judge and Jury Rebecca is called for jury duty, but it conflicts with the Serpico olympics. She serves as a juror on a prostitution case, which she believes should be legalized. Tedward trains Gary to be Rebecca's replacement in case she misses the Olympics. |
10/23/2014 | Knife to a Gunfight Tedward is concerned for Rebecca's safety after a convict who's case she tried is released. She contemplates getting a gun and handles the case of a dim and unaware thief. When the ex-con thanks Rebecca for giving him a chance, Tom is persuaded to push for lighter charges on the mentally unstable criminal. |
10/16/2014 | One Brave Waitress Rebecca attempts to befriend the court stenographer after forgetting her name, and she gets anxious when her Fireman wants more from her than the casual fling she’d like with him. She fails to find justice in the courtroom while trying the manager of a restaurant who sexually harasses his employees. In the end, Rebecca (literally) kicks butt and serves up her own brand of retribution. |
10/9/2014 | Meteor Shower Rebecca isn't ready to invest in Gary, and she isn't interested in pursuing a fling. She eventually decides to clear her head with some time alone, but when her van breaks down, she realizes the one relationship she can always count on is with Tedward. Along the way, she deals with a celebrity who has shoplifted for attention from her closest relationship, the paparazzi. |
10/2/2014 | Pilot Rebecca Wright knows how to have a good time, but she also happens to be one of L.A.’s toughest and most respected criminal court judges. She has a reputation for unorthodox behavior in the courtroom, including creative rulings and saying exactly what’s on her mind. Her private life, on the other hand, is anything but innocent. While there’s no shortage of male admirers who would love to spend time with her, she’s not ready to settle down. |
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