Set on a future Earth, Defiance introduces players and viewers to a world where humans and aliens live together on a planet ravaged by decades of war and transformed by alien terra-forming machines. It centers on Jeb Nolan, the law-keeper in a bustling frontier boomtown that is one of the new world’s few oasis of civility and inclusion. Nolan is a former Marine who fought in the alien conflict and suffered the loss of his wife and child in the war. The trauma transformed him into a lone wanderer in the wilds of this new and dangerous world.
Date | Episode |
8/14/2014 | Painted From Memory Nolan and Rafe race against the clock to rescue Amanda and Pottinger trapped in a deadly mine collapse. |
8/7/2014 | Slouching Towards Bethlehem Kenya’s earth-shattering return continues sending shock waves through Defiance as Stahma tries to reconcile Kenya’s reappearance, while Doc Yewll works to keep her own dark secret hidden. |
7/31/2014 | If You Could See Her Through My Eyes Datak is framed for a bizarre murder and turns to an unlikely ally for help; Irisa discovers more about her destiny after encountering a mysterious stranger. |
7/24/2014 | This Woman's Work After an Arkfall crash, Pottinger recruits Nolan to lead their salvage mission but his secret agenda puts them in grave danger against an Alien race they’ve never encountered before. |
7/17/2014 | Put the Damage On Amanda is terrorised by a stalker but the true reasons behind her frightening experiences have far reaching ramifications not only for her but for Pottinger and Doc Yewll as well. |
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