Set on a future Earth, Defiance introduces players and viewers to a world where humans and aliens live together on a planet ravaged by decades of war and transformed by alien terra-forming machines. It centers on Jeb Nolan, the law-keeper in a bustling frontier boomtown that is one of the new world’s few oasis of civility and inclusion. Nolan is a former Marine who fought in the alien conflict and suffered the loss of his wife and child in the war. The trauma transformed him into a lone wanderer in the wilds of this new and dangerous world.
Date | Episode |
7/10/2014 | Beasts of Burden After his caravan is viscously attacked in the badlands, a badly shaken Pottinger orders Nolan to hunt down and destroy those responsible. Nolan’s manhunt implicates one of Rafe’s miners causing tensions to explode. |
7/3/2014 | The Cord and the Ax Irisa’s terrifying black-outs escalate, driving a wedge of secrecy between her and a worried Nolan. Meanwhile, the Tarr family business thrives under Stahma’s self-appointed direction while an increasingly suspicious Datak remains in jail. |
6/26/2014 | In My Secret Life Irisa returns to Defiance and is arrested; Mayor Pottinger offers Nolan her release in exchange for capturing those responsible for nearly killing him; Stahma plots to keep Datak behind bars. |
6/19/2014 | The Opposite of Hallelujah Nolan's search for Irisa leads him to New Chicago and AngelArc. Meanwhile, back in Defiance, the Earth Republic appoints a charming, calculating, and ambitious man named Niles Pottinger as mayor. |
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