Based on Jeff Lindsay's novels "Darkly Dreaming Dexter" and "Dearly Devoted Dexter", this crime thriller follows Dexter Morgan, a forensic blood spatter expert for the Miami Metro Police Department. Thanks to a code instilled in him by his foster father, Harry, he hunts down people who have escaped justice and makes sure they don't get away with a crime again.
Date | Episode |
8/11/2013 | Dress Code Dexter hunts down Hannah to figure out why she’s back in Miami. Dexter also takes on a protégé and starts teaching him the Code. |
8/4/2013 | A Little Reflection Dexter monitors a young psychopath to see if he is suited for his table. Dexter and Debra finally get back to normal, but are surprised by his ex, Hannah. |
7/28/2013 | This Little Piggy Dr. Vogel gets abducted by the Brain Surgeon, while Dexter and Debra try and rescue her. Masuka finds out he has a daughter. |
7/21/2013 | Scar Tissue Dexter tracks down another potential serial killer from Dr. Vogel’s list. Quinn celebrates passing the Sergeant’s exam by defending Debra’s honor in a fight. Dr. Vogel begins treating Debra for her PTSD. |
7/14/2013 | What's Eating Dexter Morgan? Dexter continues his manhunt for the Brain Surgeon. Dr. Vogel tries to prove to Dexter that he’s perfect as a psychopath. Debra’s PTSD kicks in and she makes a desperate plea to confess to LaGuerta’s murder. |