Friday, November 2, 2012

How I Met Your Mother on CBS

How I Met Your Mother is a comedy about Ted and how he fell in love. It all started when Ted's best friend, Marshall, dropped the bombshell that he was going to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Lily, a kindergarten teacher. At that moment, Ted realized that he had better get a move on if he, too, hopes to find true love. Helping him in his quest is his friend Barney, a confirmed bachelor with endless, sometimes outrageous opinions, a penchant for suits and a foolproof way to meet women. When Ted meets Robin, he's sure it's love at first sight, but destiny has something else in store.
When Robin is hesitant to break up with Nick, Barney takes matters into his own hands. Meanwhile, Lily and Marshall are desperate for some private time.
11/5/2012The Autumn of Break-Ups
As the season of break-ups continues, Ted and Victoria must choose the next step in their long and complicated relationship. Meanwhile, Robin worries about Barney when he chooses a dog to be his wingman.
10/15/2012Who Wants to Be a Godparent?
When Lily and Marshall can’t decide on godparents for Marvin, they put the gang to the test to see who would make the best one.
When Lily and Marshall have trouble finding a nanny, they learn it’s because of an elaborate scheme Barney came up with to meet girls. Meanwhile, Robin and Ted butt heads over who has a more serious relationship.
10/1/2012The Pre-Nup
When Barney designs an extensive pre-nup, the guys take note and propose their own relationship amendments to their significant others. Meanwhile, Quinn is outraged and draws up a pre-nup of her own, which causes friction between the sexes.

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