"Covert Affairs" centers on a young CIA operative, Annie Walker, mysteriously summoned to headquarters for duty as a field operative. While Annie believes she's been promoted for her exceptional linguistic skills, there may be something or someone from her past that her CIA bosses are really after. Auggie Anderson is a CIA military intelligence agent who was blinded while on assignment and is Annie's guide in this world of bureaucracy, excitement and intrigue.
Date | Episode |
11/21/2013 | Trompe le Monde Annie and Auggie try to bring Henry to justice; Calder returns to the United States. |
11/14/2013 | There Goes My Gun Annie, Auggie and Calder go on an unsanctioned mission to Hong Kong; Joan and Arthur unveil a traitor. |
11/7/2013 | River Euphrates Annie heads to New York to pursue a smoking gun; Arthur's court date nears; Joan is forced into the field. |
10/31/2013 | No. 13 Baby Henry reaches out to his only ally within Langley, Calder. Joan reveals something during her deposition that puts a wedge between herself and Arthur. An old flame reveals she still holds a torch for Auggie. |
10/24/2013 | Something Against You Despite his misgivings, Auggie decides to work with Calder on an alternate method to destroy Henry. Joan confronts Auggie about this alliance. |